To help us achieve our goal of a healthy dog, we have set up a Health Fund which is accumulated by members and breeders.

Through this fund we are among other features in a position to offer financial contribution to owners who have their dogs x-rayed
in order to have them evaluated at the selections.

For further information, please use the contact form.

Action of the CBCS with hereditary diseases

Over and over again it is discussed in forums or public platforms different illnesses what leaves to the readers according to a lot of clearance to the individual interpretation of the subjects.
Therefore rumours are scrubbed over and over again and misinterpretations are made. To get, nevertheless, onto actual hereditary diseases, the owner of the respective ill dogs depends of the CBCS on the assistance.

The CBCS can investigate only if he receives suitable announcements from the owners about the respective illness of her Contis in writing, by mail or phone, with the matching family tree of the ill dog.

Then these announcements are grasped by us in a data bank and are checked. Should conspicuities appear, these are more exactly examined.
Only so can guarantee of the CBCS that on the one hand with the information confidently handled will be seized and, on the other hand, provided that inevitably, the suitable measures.
Announcements from third people (exception to breeders and her self-pulled puppies), virtually „hear and further communicate“ besides, can not be considered.
Your contact for such announcements is Sandra Strebel, board member and data bank of the CBCS.
strebel.sandra@gmail. com
Secretariat CBCS, Nadja Kleiner